Sunday, April 7, 2013

ADHD and common comorbid disorders

The prevalence of comorbidity with mental disorders is high.  The presence of one disorder can exacerbate another.  Of course, various factors need to be considered when diagnosing or treating disorders including heritability (family history) and other situational factors that can encourage the 'expression' of a particular disorder.  An example would be if a woman has a family history of diabetes.  She has several family members that suffer from diabetes, including her brother and both parents.  However, despite the genetic propensity for diabetes, she is the only family member that has not developed it thus far.  She believes it's because she lives a healthy lifestyle by working out daily, eating healthy, and managing her stress effectively.  Does this mean she will never develop diabetes?  No, she could still develop diabetes despite her efforts, but she is doing all she can to prevent the onset if possible.

In other words, we may influence the onset or severity of a heritable condition like depression through specific means such as diet, exercise, and cognitive training.  Do you think the same applies to ADHD or Asperger's syndrome?   ADHD and comorbidity.

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