Sunday, April 7, 2013

Great book by Melissa Orlov and Edward Hallowell.

The adult with ADHD can feel overwhelmed and exhausted from trying to keep up with everyone else.  The funny thing is that everyone else often perceive the ADHD adult as lazy because that person finds it difficult to complete tasks, remain focused, etc.  The result: an ADHD adult with low self-esteem that finds it hard to make any relationships work for the long term.  Why?  Because the ADHD adult, at first, is exciting to their partner.  The ADHD adult is spontaneous and energetic, which can make them fun to be around....for a time.  After the initial 'honeymoon' glow wears off, the ADHD adult and their partner is left with unfulfilled promises that cause severe stress in the relationship.   

Melissa Orlov has written a book that speaks to the ADHD adult and the ADHD adult's partner!  This book can help dispel and explain the misconceptions and offer solutions to problems that may have appeared insurmountable. This book is not just for ADHD adults and their partners, but also for parents, siblings, friends, and family of ADHD individuals.  The insight gained from reading this book can be invaluable to the person who has to interact with a loved one with ADHD and may help to mend broken relationships and prevent further damage from this condition that is so misunderstood.  

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